JumpStart Advisory Group

Be proactive in managing your career and land a position where your business and technical skills will shine.

Corporations look for highly qualified candidates who truly understand their business, culture, and unique demands. By participating in JumpStart Advisory Group programs, you’ll learn all the right skills while forging relationships that lead to job offers.

  • Annual Diversity Forums offer face-to-face interaction with employers and industry leaders.
  • The JumpStart Network search engine links qualified pre-screened candidates with job opportunities not openly marketed.
  • Resources Center provides students and professionals with a knowledge base of articles, profiles and industry guides.

Learn how to navigate the recruiting process and land a position where your business experience and technical skills will shine.
Learn how JSAG can fine-tune your skill set and help make connections that count.

By participating in JumpStart Advisory Group programs, you'll learn all the right skills while forging relationships that lead to jpb offers


I learned a lot about myself, my peers, and the industry I'm planning to pursue post-MBA. I am confident that my participation in MBA JumpStart will serve me well during the recruiting process. Thanks to Elton and John for having the foresight to see how valuable a program like this would be and for having the dedication to work hard to make it a success.